Terms of Use

Last updated: May 30, 2022

Before using Our Service, please take the time to thoroughly read these terms and conditions. By using any part of the Mr247Bet.com portal, you automatically accept all current rules of use. Users are obliged to regularly get acquainted with the rules of use, so it is considered that users are using the Mr247Bet.com portal at all times, are familiar with the applicable rules of use, and that they understand them in full.

No part of the Mr247Bet.com portal may be used for illegal purposes or to promote them. The Mr247Bet.com portal will not collect the personal data of users when visiting the Mr247Bet.com portal, except in the case when users personally provide this data and give consent for their collection.

If, during the visit to the Mr247Bet.com portal, the user does nothing but move through the pages and download information, certain information is automatically collected, which does not personally identify the user.

The data we collect is as follows:

The kind of browser, operating system, domain, and IP address the user used to access the Mr247Bet.com portal, Access duration and visitation time, and The URL of the website from which the user entered the Mr247Bet.com portal if they arrived there via a link. if the user voluntarily submits information to us. In case the user provides information by sending an e-mail or filling out a contact form, this information will be used only for the purpose of easier assistance to the sender. The Mr247Bet.com portal does not collect personal data for other purposes and does not forward them to other private organizations. The user's data will be made available to the competent state authorities if we are obliged by law to do so.


A cookie is a file that a portal places on a user's computer so that they can remember the specific settings of your session while you are visiting the portal. The user's computer will share data only with the site that set it up, and no other site can access it. The Mr247Bet.com portal can use this file for technical purposes in order to provide better navigation to the user or enable him to adjust the use of the site to his needs. If the user does not want to have cookies on his computer, he can change the settings in his browser.

Mr247Bet.com PORTAL

The company “Sheriff Media D.o.o Beograd,” which is the founder of the portal Mr247Bet.com, provides users with good intentions to use the content of the Mr247Bet.com portal. All visitors have the right to use the contents of the portal free of charge, provided they do not violate the rules of use.

The Mr247Bet.com portal consists of its own content, the content of partners and advertisers, content created by users, as well as links to external pages. Mr247Bet.com publishes content in good faith. All portal content is used at your own risk; Mr247Bet.com is not liable for any harm resulting from such usage.


“Sheriff Media D.o.o Beograd” is the owner of the copyright to all its own content (textual, visual, and audio materials, databases, and programming code). Unauthorized use of any part of the portal is considered a violation of the copyright of the Mr247Bet.com portal and is subject to lawsuits. Any unauthorized use of the site without the owner's consent is a violation of the owner's copyright. In case of copyright infringement, “Sheriff Media D.o.o Beograd,” in accordance with the Law, has the right to judicial protection and compensation for damages. If the user believes that Mr247Bet.com has infringed copyright, the case will be considered immediately, and the disputed content will be removed immediately after the possible establishment of the truthfulness of the content of the complaint.


Mr247Bet.com contains links to websites outside its own portal. Mr247Bet.com publishes links in good faith and cannot be held responsible for content outside its portal.


Mr247Bet.com publishes video files located on YouTube.com servers. Video files marked as “Related” are placed automatically by YouTube software that Mr247Bet.com has no or no influence on. Therefore, Mr247Bet.com is not responsible for the contents of these video files.


Modifying and changing the rules Mr247Bet.com reserves the right to change or modify the rules from time to time without notice. Mr247Bet.com can inform users about important changes and additions by e-mail or by publishing them on the portal. By using any content on the Mr247Bet.com portal, it is considered that you are familiar with the latest rules.


Mr247Bet.com reserves the right to choose the comments that will be published, as well as the right to shorten the comments.

Please do not post comments that contain hate speech (see note), swearing and insults, content that violates a person's privacy, or comments that do not relate to the news you are commenting on.

Please pay attention to the spelling and grammatical correctness of the comments you send, preference will be given to comments that are written without spelling and grammatical errors. Note: Law on Public Information – Article 38: A person or group of people may not be the target of ideas, information, or beliefs that promote prejudice, hatred, or violence on the basis of a person's membership or lack thereof in a certain race, religion, nation, ethnic group, sex, or gender. sexual orientation, regardless of whether the crime was committed by publishing.